Daily Archives: September 10, 2008

Mensch ärgere dich nicht

The GameImage via Wikipedia

Today I bought Mensch ärgere dich nicht on amazon.de, to be shipped to my address in Edinburgh. I talked to someone about board games earlier, and they described a game they called Frustration. I’d never heard the name before, but from the description I gathered it must be Mensch ärgere dich nicht.

Only I now realise it probably isn’t. Frustration is an MB game (‘MB praesentiert… GONG!’) which is basically ‘Mensch…’ only with a different, more plasticy-looking board and the dice are in the middle (?). Then there’s also Ludo, apparently also similar to ‘Mensch…’.

‘Mensch’, however, is the original. The simplest: the best. I’m looking forward to getting it in the post and playing it 😛

PS: it was invented in its ‘Mensch…’ form by a German!

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