Daily Archives: September 24, 2008

How to Deal with Conflict

Here are the three steps that I usually use to deal with conflict. Applicable to my workplace atm, but in the past I’ve applied this to relationships too.

Step 1: Communicate. Say what it is that you’re unhappy about in a rational, objective, manner. ‘Make a case’ for your position and where you’re coming from.

If they ignore it/things don’t change within a certain time frame (whatever you give yourself. E.g. 3 months, 6 months – depending on how unbearable the conflict/issue is) proceed to the steps below.

Step 2: Plan your escape.

There’s no point in sticking around when people ignore your needs and continue to do so, despite your best efforts of talking to them. Planning the escape is actually good fun, especially, when like me you are confident that you’ve tried step 1. and that you still don’t get what is due to you. When you are sure of your value, and a company or person disregard this value, it’s all the more fun to take revenge by escaping. Escaping isn’t really ‘revenge’ as such, but a way of having the last laugh and making them realise what they have lost (as they will realise your value once you are gone).

Planning your escape just means to continue on the outside as if everything is the same, and on the inside working out a strategy and start working towards this goal (e.g. a new job). You do this secretly as they have no right to know, since they have failed you in Step 1.

Step 3: Escape. Drop the bombshell. Let them deal with the aftermath. Let them realise what they have lost as you leave them behind.