Daily Archives: September 19, 2008

I’ve Now Got 4oD

I’ve finally managed to get 4oD, Channel 4’s on demand service, to install and actually work. I had tried more than a year ago but encountered some annoying error (I blogged about it at the time). When things like that don’t work first time, I tend to just not bother.

However, someone told me the other day that the new series of fonejacker had started. Now, I LOVE fonejacker, and have spoken about it a few times on this very blog. Hence today I started sluggish IE7 and went to the 4oD page (seeing that it doesn’t currently support Firefox, or indeed Mac ..). But I’m pleased to say it’s all working now 🙂

Thus, I DLed said episode of fonejacker (which was shown on e4 a few nights ago), as well as a few other classics such as a couple of episodes of Peep Show. Now I’m truly sorted. iPlayer and 4oD really are all I need 🙂

PS: The Zemanta suggestions for this post are really shite. What happened? They tell me it’s now ‘personal’. The logo is different too. Sort it out!

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