Attack of the Common People

Last night, I was quite aggressively attacked by a common person. I don’t mind common people – I have some common friends and my family is not exactly posh or middle class.

Yesterday, the common person was a drunk, Irish woman. She was probably in her late 20s/ early 30s, extremely pished and extremely desperate for attention, especially from men. I don’t like attention seekers at all, particularly, if the discourse and behaviour engaged in to gain attention is REALLY FUCKING DULL. This pisshead shouted ‘Hackney is a shanty town’ for roughly 15 minutes, while falling over, sitting on men’s laps, and shouting ‘shut up’ (or ‘shut your fucking mouth, you bastard’ etc.) to our little group that had sat quite happily in the garden talking until her arrival.

Now, in a situation where a dull person is seeking attention, I usually keep quiet and observe in the background, until they fuck off. I tend not to show any support (such as spurning the person on by engaging with them, laughing in approval, or smiling/nodding or any other body language). Attention seekers hate that kind of thing. They are desperate for approval as well as disapproval – anything that helps affirm their sorry existence.

The aggressive, threatening verbal attack the common person subjected me to occurred after she asked me for the 5th time what my name was/if I was Polish/worked in a caff (lmfao especially at the last one, ‘Do you work in a caff?’ – I think it was intended as an insult, i.e. the ‘Polish immigrant taking away our jobs blah blah blah, working in a caff low wage taking away our houses/our benefits’, that kind of thing. Unfortunately, many common people seem to have this view).

Anyway, when she asked me these stupid questions for the 5th time, I, after previously always responding in a polite, albeit frosty, manner, said:

“You’ve asked me that 4 times already.”

The person then started shouting at me and verbally abusing me, towering above me in an aggressive, threatening manner (I was sitting on a bench) for about 2-3 minutes while staring down at me in drunk stupor and hatred. I listened to her tirades, looking at her with a blank, motionless face (I hadn’t had a drink – I don’t drink – so I felt 100% rational and alert). I felt pity but didn’t want to say anything – I just didn’t want to engage (her attack was just another attempt at attention seeking – I hadn’t given her any until then and wasn’t going to start now, however desperate or aggressive her behaviour).

The situation was then dissolved by both my BF who asked her to stop, and another party-goer who took her to one side, calmly explaining that her behaviour was unacceptable. So that was that. She then came to ‘kiss and make up’ WTF, and I gave her my best false smile, with a glint of despise in my eyes).

So there. Common people, especially women for some reason, like attacking lenina. I don’t know why. The last time it happened the scenario was similar – a drunk woman, desperately seeking male attention/approval, singing and dancing and generally making a fool of herself. Lenina (alpha-female) quietly sitting there observing, not engaging. That woman not only flirted with all the men (offering herself on a plate, getting her tits out etc.) but also started touching up lenina’s BF, at which point lenina intervened. Naturally.

On a final note, these attacks have all happened in London, and within the last few months. I wonder if I should take up some form of self-defense – not to physically defend myself, but maybe to learn some restraining techniques just to calm this kind of person down.

6 thoughts on “Attack of the Common People

  1. Jiu-jitsu should provide you with a range of useful disabling/immobilising skills fairly quickly. Fun to learn grappling, doesn’t require strength either, really, it’s more about sensitivity.

  2. Not paying attention is always the best. I experienced a similar situtaion last weekend, where the attention seeker was a male, extremely pissed and considered an artist by some of the attendees (not by me). We were three females who had come to have a look at his studio, and another male – actually a friend of his and completely sober – joined. Seemingly the drunk one couldn’t cope with the competition. He performed a few silly tasks such as starting a welder, noisily rearranging his generic and then coughed for five minutes, trying to get all the muck in his lungs out. He then accused the lady closest to him of having failed to pat his back to relieve the coughing – and then jumped right into insults.

    Both my female companions tried soothing him, and the one who showed most sympathy was insulted the most severely.

    I simply ignored the fellow, didn’t respond when he returned and tried to get into our conversation, turned my back on him in order to cut him off from our interaction.

    I was the one to get the least insults, and also the one who paid him the least attention.

  3. A tactic i put to use at work today with an angry & deranged member of the public: your eyes unfocus, your mouth hangs open slightly, and you keep nodding and saying without any emotion: “How interesting, yes, that’s it, of course, interesting, do go on…” The disparity between your words and your obviously zombified/drugged/trance-like state of mind can have amusing effects.

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